
Tide is turning on NSA spying -- let's keep it going

Because Freedom Can't Protect Itself
Dear ACLU Supporter,

The tide is turning.

Earlier this week, a federal judge ruled that the NSA's "Orwellian" mass telephone spying program likely violates the Fourth Amendment. And yesterday, in a second major blow, President Obama's own NSA review panel also called for an end to the bulk collection of our private phone data.

Here is what I know — if we fight for what is right, if we seize every opening to make progress, and if we never, ever yield to setbacks, our work in the defense of freedom will pay off in the long run.

Right now, that is exactly what is happening in our efforts to end the NSA's dragnet surveillance program. And contributions from supporters like you mean we can keep seizing EVERY opportunity for victory without stopping to find the resources to take action.

We need to keep pressing to end out-of-control NSA surveillance. Donate now to help sustain the ACLU's "keep fighting until we win" efforts to defend our fundamental freedoms. (Do not forward: This link will open a page with your information already filled in.)

Challenging secret surveillance programs isn't easy — just ask any ACLU attorney who has been working on privacy and national security issues for the last decade.

That is why Edward Snowden's revelations about the NSA were such a game-changer.

When they came to light, our lawyers were able to jump into action — because they'd been there before and because we had the funds to act. And we know exactly what to do now to make sure this un-American and unconstitutional program is brought to an end.

And right now, we've got to keep the pressure on by pursuing our lawsuit challenging the program and by pressing the President and Congress to act.

Donate now. Your support is absolutely critical if we are to end the NSA's unconstitutional program and other civil liberties abuses.

We've got the momentum. Together, we'll keep fighting until we win.


Anthony D. Romero
Executive Director, ACLU

P.S. Stopping the NSA is up to you and the ACLU — and your immediate help is vitally important. Donate today and your gift will be matched dollar-for-dollar as part of our Fight Back for Freedom year-end matching gift fund.

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